Effortlessly drive and scale virtual learning at your school
Save parents money, offer students virtual learning and transform the way your teachers teach
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How it works?
Teachfolk has been designed and built with input from both teachers and students in the education industry. Teachfolk aims at offering schools a unique opportunity to offer a virtual home school or extra lessons. Teachfolk empowers school staff and students to take ownership of their digital learning journey.
""It is such a powerful medium and tool, I wish I had this when I was in school""
-Mr Singh - Glenwood High School-
Phase 1 - Digital Course creation
The teachfolk team works with a select group of teachers from your school. In the initial phase we get very hands on and share various techniques with teachers on how best to rapidly develop or digitise course content. We also provide some teachfolk LMS on boarding for the for these teachers and set them up with logins etc.
Phase 2 - Addition of Courses onto LMS
We continue to work with teachers as they continue to create their digital courses and upload these onto teachfolk. By the end of this phase there should be a library of courses that are relevant and value adding to all students.
Phase 3 - First group of students take courses
All courses loaded onto the teachfolk LMS are offered to the first group of students. This can be class, grade or the entire school. We give all students enough time to engage with the courses and at the end of this phase we support the school by gathering user feedback from both students and teachers alike. We consolidate findings and discuss if there is a need to customised the teachfolk LMS any further to meet the schools unique contextual requirements.
Phase 4 - Grow digital courses exponentially
The school continues to use the teachfolk LMS and take ownership of their digital course creation and management on the LMS. Schools at this point have the exciting opportunity to offer all courses at a set fee per month or a once off fee, to parents or external customers. Students can be offered unlimited access to courses created by their very own teachers at a set monthly fee. This has the potential to save money for parents who usually have to spend large sums of money on extra lessons or tuition, for a fraction of the cost parents children can get unlimited access to a library of courses saving parents money at the same time.
How could your school monetise
rapi1.) Homeschooling?
Schools can make use of the teachfolk platform to offer parents and students a virtual curriculum. Students can learn remotely from home. Schools can offer access to this fully virtual learning experience for a reduced school fee each month. Opening up the possibility of adopting a home schooling type model and scaling access to learning for students who cannot be physically present at school.
For example:
Your school offers students the opportunity to access a virtual curriculum, remotely. As a result schools can continue to charge parents for virtual teaching at a reduced monthly fee. To illustrate, if on site school fees were R1000 per month, the online only fee could be reduced to e.g. R700 per month.
2.) Tutoring or extra lessons?
It is up to every school that uses teachfolk to decide what is best for their parents and students. But based on todays current hourly rates for extra lessons or tutoring (Rand based) the school could choose to match this hourly rate. The amazing part is that this hourly rate could be offered per month to parents and students for unlimited access to all of the schools course offerings. Teachfolk offers built in monthly or once off payment functionality so an account can be set up and courses can be paid for via VISA or MasterCard credit cards.
For example:
Your school offers parents the opportunity to access remote lessons for R200 or R300 per month (similar to the current rate charged for tutoring or extra lessons anywhere from R200 - R500 per hour)
Depending on the number of students in your school the numbers add up quickly R300 X 1000 = R300 000 per month. This can then be reinvested or well utilised by the school.
The best part is that this is saving parents money over the course of the year, at a fraction of the cost of multiple extra lessons charged per hour. Adding value to students and allowing your school to raise some extra funds so its Win-Win-Win